12 July 2017

If it's meant to be....

Image result for if it's meant to be it will come back to you

If you love something let it go? Is this referring to life, passion or love? I mean in the end, it's all relationships, right?

When I was in high school my ex would always refer to this saying and loved the story of Johnathan Livingston Seagull. I took it as this is the glue that would keep us together down the rocky relationship road. You know the one where you are on the "let's take a break lane" four times in one week. Then the following week you're on "it's not you, it's me ave," just before you bang a right on "we need space street" only to be reminded on every block that if you're meant to be you'll find our way back to each other.

Me on the other hand, well I was a high school teenager. My passion and focus was in video production and finding my voice.  I mean, I was a minority and this outlet allowed me to find my lane. My color and my size had me standing out and at an immediate disadvantage, and now trying to date in an area that still had some challenges with race, but on a super super hidden level, I never had much luck "dating or loving" someone. I had a lot of experience, letting them go with the hopes they would come back with a change of heart. You know from the "I like you as a friend," and "oh you're so sweet" to "I'd love you as my boyfriend." I loved my ex (you know that high school love) and I didn't know that the saying wasn't so much a glue, but the bridge that would wedge its way in to keep us apart and it eventually won its place in our lives. So I never read the book and hope that the seagull found what it let go, but man, passion is also something I let go of. I felt like I was destined to always lose and continually give up as I wasn't deserving of happiness or success because I wasn't what "they" wanted. I wrestle with that to this day.....

It felt that much of my life I was trying to impress and love for all the wrong reasons. As I type this I realise that I was loving for the wrong reason and the wrong people.  One may never know, and I should turn my holding on, from the past and to my passion! 

As I sit here I wonder about my passion, you know if it misses me as much as I miss it? I mean far too much I've come close but never allowed it to get close to me. I've hurt so much and failed, even more, I didn't want to move to the thing that I'm created for because I didn't want to fail at the one thing I've been created for. How would that be if the one job, place or thing I've been created for I didn't allow to fit me like a glove? There's no way to give away your passion as the Bible says "your gift makes room for you." the question is if you do set it free will it come back to you? No, in this case, it's called giving up! Don't give up on your passion! Your passion awaits you as the ride to the destination. Are you ready to go? 

I close with this... if you're setting something free (a relationship with life, love, a job, etc....) take the time while it's gone to prepare. Prepare for life with or without it. There's no sense to hope for something you're not ready for. Just because you stand somewhere thinking you deserve something doesn't mean you're going to get it, especially if you're not ready for it. Sit with the good the bad and the ugly, Clear the cache and start at zero.

Remember that your passion awaits your journey, it already knows your coming

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